Site Design Associates

Celebrating 30 Years of Greenwich Practice Whether evaluating the possibilities of your land, or creating your dream garden, pool, or gracious entry, experienced planning makes the difference. As a life-long Greenwich resident my appreciation of the special nature of the area continues to grow. Seasons and nature change, as do our lives and plans. Staying in your present property or finding a way to take it to a higher value are both enriched by improving your home. Complementary Site Visit at your convenience starts our exploration of your home's potential. Schematic Designs bring the dream to life. Scaled drawings based on the unique character of your home provide a glimpse of the future. Realistic Budgets and Time Frames anchor the vsion firmly on the ground. Surprises are fun in the landscape but not when it comes to unexpected cost. Permits, when necessary, are an integral part of the design strategy implementation to enhance your home's value while streamlining the process. Our initial analysis will answer regulation questions.

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