Folding Treadmills Noise-Reducing Treadmills 0.6 To 3.8 Mph Office Treadmills Home Treadmills with Built-In 2 Wheels 300 Lb($346.49Value)


Folding Treadmills Noise-Reducing Treadmills 0.6 To 3.8 Mph Office Treadmills Home Treadmills with Built-In 2 Wheels 300 Lb($346.49Value)


Description: This versatile treadmill offers a seamless way to stay active while working or relaxing at home. With speeds ranging from 0.6 to 3.8 MPH, you can walk while working or push yourself towards fitness goals with a higher running speed.

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Color Black
Size 19.6 In. W X 4.33 In. H X 47.2 In. D
Gtin 09421983440262
Condition New