Rolly Toys Foot to Floor John Deere Mini Trac - Green($209.95Value)


Rolly Toys Foot to Floor John Deere Mini Trac - Green($209.95Value)


The John deere minitrac is suitable for ages 18 months to 4 years. It comes with an opening hood revealing a secret storage compartment. With the build in knee indention it allows the child to options for maneuvering, they can sit or kneel.

More Information

Color Green
Gtin 4006485132072
Item_group_id 9951410
Age_group Adult
Condition NEW
Gender Unisex
Sku 4006485132072USA
Material Resin
Product_category Toys & Games
Promotion_id 19944601,19944603,19944604
Shipping US:::0.00
Sale_price 209.95