Soccer Table,foosball table,football table,Game table,table football,Children's game table,table Games - Black($514.99Value)


Soccer Table,foosball table,football table,Game table,table football,Children's game table,table Games - Black($514.99Value)


Table Size:54.5"L x 29.3"W x 33.9 "H , Play field:46.1"x26.8 ", Side Panel:(5/8"+1/2")MDF With Black PVC, End Panel:1/2"MDF With Black PVC, Playfield:3/8"MDF With PVC , Leg:3.7"x3.7"x3/8"MDF With PVC, Leg Leveler:Ø4.8" plastic with Chromium , Play...

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ShipAmount $0.00
RevType 2
Manufacturer Kodotan Sofa
Sku 44299530000000
Identity 32708032421